Charite Mitte
Berlin, 2020
The building aims to be an abstract sculpture. The façade, characterised by vertical bulkheads, appears massive in perspective. Neither floors, rooms nor windows can be read from Invalidenstrasse. This leaves the building without scale. Due to this strong abstraction, the new building does not compete in any way with the existing buildings, even though it clearly towers above them. It corresponds to a different formal logic. The arch emphasizes the spatial connection to the Vichowweg, as if the space of the northern entrance had been milled out. The exterior space is part of the extended street space and is mineralised with asphalt. By materializing with red brick, the proposed new building adopts a formative element of the Charité campus.
International competition: 1st Prize
Client: Charité Campus
Planning: 2020
Team: Claudius Fruehauf, Guillaume
Henry, Carlos Viladoms, Contanta Lupu